For more than 13 years, has enjoyed a reputation of excellence and successful track record in the field of genealogical research. We strive to provide our clients with the highest standards of professional research and customer service. We're proud of our work and appreciate our many valued clients who make this work so exciting and rewarding. Please continue reading below to discover what our many clients are saying about us, and about how we might be able to assist you with your own family history project.
"When I realized I had to learn more about my family, I decided that a professional genealogist would uncover far more than I could on my own. That was one of the best decisions I ever made. From the first report, has uncovered things that I should have known – but did not know – about my family. Just as an example, discovered that my paternal grandmother, to whom I was quite close, had a brother who I never knew existed despite the fact that he lived nearby. I subsequently learned that this great uncle shot and killed a man attempting to abduct him. I also learned that his father (my great, great uncle) was probably murdered several years later. My family is far more colorful than I could have ever imagined! By comparison, Desperate Housewives is fairly mundane! My friends have become far more respectful (possibly fearful). I cannot wait to learn more.” — T. Weinberg, Los Angeles, California
"I was very pleased with how the researchers at handled my family history. Everyone I talked to or emailed was happy and helpful. I bought 10 hours of research for my mom for Christmas and she loved it! It is a great idea for a gift for the person that has everything. I found out about many members of my family from 100 years ago! Thanks so much!" — A. Toomey, Knoxville, Tennessee
My family would absolutely not believe me when I told them that I believed that my great-grand father had a brother here in America, now that we have proof they are dumbfounded. My grandfather never mentioned to anyone having an uncle here. We don’t know why no one has ever heard of this line of the family before. I am spending time trying to trace them down. I have found the family though the 1930’s on the census and they lived very close by. I now have to find the children and see if they know the story, of course in those days 25 miles was a long way in a horse and buggy.
You did a remarkable job and I am a very happy customer. Your skills are first rate. You obviously have an excellent knowledge of the LDS database as well as Danish databases. I know how hard it is to go through these records and how addictive it is as it is my hobby. I can not thank you enough for all of your work. If someone needs a recommendation before undertaking your services, do not hesitate to give them my name and number. I will be happy to give you a good recommendation." — K. Bernard, Richmond, Virginia
"When I decided to do a family search, I began looking on the Internet for companies who could assist me. was very informative and interesting and I knew early on that I would choose them to do my research. From the very start, questions were answered in emails that were friendly, enthusiastic, and easy to understand. I was so impressed with their obvious enthusiasm for their work. My project was completed on time and at the agreed upon price and was a huge hit with my parents, who received it as a Christmas present from me. I would hire MyGenealogist again anytime and, in fact, am considering doing a search on my husband's family for next Christmas. Thanks so much!" — J. Ostrov, Duluth, Minnesota
“I am absolutely delighted with the service I have received from My results have brought me a sense of pride and connection to a heritage I didn't know I was a part of. Thank you, for introducing me to my Father's ancestors. I would gladly recommend you to any of my friends and colleagues. You are awesome!” — K. Alberts, San Mateo, California
"The service at MyGenealogist is priceless. The dedication and persistence of MyGenealogist is unmatchable. I highly recommend the service and look forward to working with the company in the future. Thank you again for your remarkable and valuable work." — E. Smith, Montclair, New Jersey
"I just got the package with the research in it on Saturday. I was on the phone with my mother for almost 2 hours going over various aspects of it with her. You certainly did find some fascinating and heretofore unproved information! This is going to send shock waves through some of the family members, I think, once I get copies out to them. This might propel a desire for more research -- I don't know for sure, but I think there might be a desire to pitch in from some people to do some of the research you suggested. I'll let you know if that becomes the case. Absolutely great work! Thanks!!!" — D. Thompson, Washington, D.C.
"What an extreme pleasure it has been to do business with and its researchers! In anticipation of a trip to Scotland, and knowing we had some Scottish heritage, we decided to try to uncover enough family history to identify general areas in Scotland that may have been part of our past. On short notice and with contagious enthusiasm, accepted our research project and met our travel deadline. They even found a book that had been published ten years ago about one branch of our family. We are fascinated with the results; intrigued by our ancestors, amazed at the sense of continuity we are experiencing, and anxious to learn more…much more! We have the utmost confidence in the competence, reliability and diligence of…they are excellent and we recommend them without hesitation!" — M. Hughes, Apple Valley, California
"When I began searching our family tree for a new last name I could adopt for myself, I had no idea of the adventure it would be working with the great people at Not only were they friendly, happy and helpful, but professional and competent beyond my expectation! The staff was able to meet a tough deadline and get my grandmother additional information on a fascinating piece of our family history in time for her 91st birthday party. The whole family became interested in learning about our origins and it was a wonderful way to share the news." — C. Gooch, San Francisco, California
“I am incredibly impressed with the outstanding job you did on my family research project. During my 30 hour project you got me vital, land, and other records on my mother’s family in Ireland that I was unable to locate myself. You put together my rather fragmented family tree, included all sources, and even found someone to translate an ancient family pedigree from India! Thank you for your attention to detail, as well as your professionalism and honesty. I particularly appreciated your explanation and forthrightness about the challenges of working with certain Irish records. Thank you for doing everything you said you would. I am excited to be working with a company whose researchers obviously have a passion for this type of work. I would say if you want results use MyGenealogist for all of your family research!" — Isabel, Santa Barbara, California
" was great! Our family loved the research that was done, and we plan to use MyGenealogist again. We've recommended the service to all our friends. We're so happy to have found out more about our past!" — A. Kay, Peekskill, New York
After doing some initial internet research, I decided to get some help from a professional. When I worked with, they always answered all of my questions, completed my project on time, and even included a free research credit to fully document information from my previous research. Because of the high quality of their work, I will be consulting with them for more research into other branches of my family.” — C. Dott, Coral Springs, Florida
"Today I received the most important documents of my life, absolutely fantastic. I thought I was good! You guys are primo! I really like the way it's all put together. I am very proud of you guys for doing a good job. Now it's on to the book and finding out who Edmonisia's parents are! Thanks many times." — J. W. Kincade, Desha, Arkansas
I am VERY pleased with the services at MYGENEALOGIST! Information about my family was discovered of which I had no clue. The results were so exciting that I have requested phase two and will eventually begin to look into the maternal side as well! The service comes highly recommended from me. — G. Anderson, Centerport, New York
"The staff at are capable, innovative and able to gather information that most of us couldn't hope to find in years. They're a great team to have on your side." — J. Reisler, New York (author of more than 12 books on professional sports heroes and history)
"I received the project today in good condition. I was excited to read through it and see the missing documentation that I could not locate on my own. Thank you for your services; my family will be very happy when I share with them the results." — M. Atkinson, Kirkwood, Pennsylvania
"First I want to thank you both for not giving up on getting the package of information to us while we were at the reunion. My niece did receive it and brought it to our meeting. We presented the material and everyone was extremely interested and intrigued. I am so glad you pursued getting the information to us. The information you garnered was fabulous. I'm amazed you found out as much as you did. I loved the synopsis of each family. My parents are in their 80s and had tears in their eyes learning about their past family members. My mother was amazed her family lived in the US so long. They are engrossed in the paperwork and will be for quite some time. Thanks for your diligent and thorough work. It's a pleasure to work with individuals of such high caliber." — A. Weible, Las Vegas, Nevada
"There have always been stories in my family that one of my grandmothers was full blood Native American. I never paid much attention to them until my youngest daughter wanted me to get verification in order for her to apply for scholarships for college. I knew the research was more than I would be able to do myself so I contacted MyGenealogist. Within a short amount of time they tracked an entire line in my family. The amount of data and documentation backing up the data is incredible. Although I have not found the Native American for my daughter, I have learned so much about my family that I intend to document all I do learn for my children and family members. Just going through this process is helping me to understand much more about my family and all the people I never even knew." — Deborah A., Lakeland, Florida
"I looked through my package and really enjoyed it. The research you did for me was detailed and informative. I will be contacting you later with another project and hope you will be able to help me in this endeavor. Thank you very much and feel free to use any part of this as a testimonial. Thanks again." — G. York, Gulfport, Mississippi
"I could not be happier with the final product I received. I have always had a lot of questions about my Dad's family and I never knew how to beging researching it. I am so pleased with what I received for what I paid, and I will definitely use this service again in the future to continue. Thanks again so much!!!" — Joel C.
"My mother was kind of the family historian. She had done work on her parents side of the family and was able to trace one branch back to the Revolutionary War. But that was only one of the three grandparents that I was able to trace. My father's family was a complete blank. I started to trace my father's family back and ran into a blank wall very quickly. The staff at MyGenealogist were terrific at finding out so much about that branch of the family. They were good to work with and were able to take what research I had done and expand on it dramatically. Their work was professional and thorough. I would recommend them to anyone." — J. Dunn, Lake Lure, North Carolina
"I thought you and team did a great job with my wife's case. She cried numerous nights over her excitement in learning about her 'murky' past. Her family is also overjoyed with learning more about their past. Very well done, and many thanks to you and team. I’m sure we’ll be contacting you again in the future with more work on one/both of our families. All the best" — K. S., San Francisco, California
"Just wanted to thank you and your team for the hard work put into my project. I am thrilled with the information that was found. I am thinking of having you do a few more searches for me. These would be here in the US." — J. Flanagan, Martha's Vineyard, Massachusetts
"You helped me reconnect with long lost relatives that had gone to Brazil from Lithuania. Now, I write back and forth to these cousins all the time! You did a very good job and accomplished exactly what we wanted to do. I would highly recommend you to anyone! This was a great experience and I look forward to working on my German ancestry in the future." — A. Zimmerly, Springdale, Pennsylvania
"The project turned out well. It opened some new windows to look into at a later date. All of the information made sense and was easy to follow. Thank you for all the work and research done, it is greatly appreciated." — Nancy L., Boulder, Colorado
"Thank you so much for all the difficult work and research. You and your people did a wonderful job. I am sorry I could not give you more to work with. The real story may never be known. Thank You. The book is wonderful." — W. Horen, Sun City West, Arizona
"The Flournoy Project Research arrived today, and it is wonderful. I thank Jill for her efforts, and I will most likely be contacting you to ask for further research on the Flournoy land holdings." — C. Messina, Durham, California
"I just wanted to thank you and your company for the outstanding job you did! We had tried to research my wife's family over the past few years - with no success. What you provided shows why you should hire a professional! My wife is absolutely amazed by what was found, and has barely put the folder down. Thank you for all the hard work you and your company put into this project." — M. Garvey, O"Fallon, Missouri
"I received my Phase I project of the Cochran Clan yesterday in the mail. I have finished reading it and I cannot tell you how pleased I am with the research that was accomplished. You have definitely exceeded my expectations and the professionalism displayed in correspondence throughout the project, as well as the finished product has been a pure delight. I cannot begin to tell you how happy I am and how wonderful your staff is. I would definitely recommend you to others wanting to obtain more information on their family history. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. When I decide to pursue my mother's side of the family, rest assured you will be getting a call from me." — Rebecca Y., Oviedo, Florida
"Thank you for the information in Hope Project Phase 1 .I was pleasantly surprised and certainly appreciative of the amount of investigation and time which was extended even though the ultimate goal was not achieved. However, regardless of the outcome, my mom is contented and happy that she knows the identity of both of her parents and their families. Anything we learn from here on is 'icing on the cake'. Again, thank you and I would definitely recommend your services to anyone who is looking into their family history. Thanks also to Abigail!" — A. Faulkner, Federal Way, Washington
"I received the package, thank you. Some things, like the census records, I had - but what I didn't have were some of the death records and obituaries. It was the Henry C.B. von Thun obituary in particular which linked all of the siblings together. I was surprised that not all of the siblings listed in this obituary were listed in the family group, but am pleased to have that missing link. And, I see that there is proof positive for Peter and Anna von Thun, as well as Anna's maiden name and parents names. There is clearly a great deal of work in this, and I'm happy with the results. Thank you to you and your researchers." — Nan K., Hofman Estates, Illinois
"I want to thank you and Laila and your staff for the extra hours you put in finding my family. There were interesting facts that I never knew, even if there was not a brother to be found." — Berit W., Carmel, New York
"The written report is very good as it explains each item that was searched for and found. Whether it contained my family or not, it helped me to understand the process that one/many must go through to located and verify the data. I am in the process of adding the information to my family tree on both Ancestry and PAF so I can continue to search and add data as it becomes available." — A. Miles, San Francisco, California
"I was thrilled that helped me connect with Irish family I never knew existed. You helped us find living relatives that had left Ireland more than 100 years ago! These were not distant relatives, but close relatives that we did not know about. Because of this research we were able to tour the towns where my ancestors were born and lived for generations. You created this great experience and you did so affordably. Finding our Irish and Italian relatives was profound, and the excitement and family bonding that came from that experience was really precious. The tour guide that you connected us with in Italy was also fantastic and he really made that trip special for my family too." — Mike S., Scotch Plains, New Jersey
"I just returned home from a business trip with my husband to find your package! I was delighted--no ecstatic--to see the report. I have only had a chance to look at it briefly but it seems to contain a wealth of information and to be carefully and thoroughly documented. I had an overwhelming feeling of gratitude and excitement as I looked through the family group records and saw so many names--I can't wait to examine them all in detail.
Please know that I am deeply moved and thrilled to hold this family record in my hands. I know I couldn't have done this myself and I look forward to sharing this information with other family members. By the way, it was especially fun to see the copy of the birth record for Andrew and I hope those kind ladies received my thank you. Please convey my deep gratitude to all those involved in making this happen and particularly to Karel.
I was so touched when I read about the experience of looking at the records in the Klatovy municipal office. My eyes filled with tears as I read Karel's description--it was all I hoped would happen as the search for Andrew went forward. I am so excited to see a copy of the original record. I feel very blessed by what happened and appreciate all those who made it happen. I feel like I am on Cloud 9!" — Linda G., Sandy, Utah
"I'm taking this journey one step at a time and I'm very proud of myself and the maturity with which I'm able to take all of this in . . . . . a maturity that I truly don't feel I would have been capable of before I began this journey with you . . . in other words, regardless of what happened in the past I was not ready to connect until I contacted you . . . I see that now and it's sad to know my biological mother could not be a part of this journey as I'm certain it would have brought a final peace to her life . . . for that I'm sorry however I can only do what I've always done and that is move forward. Thank you again for honouring me with being a part of my journey and with your patience and understanding and your tact. Know that you are performing a very important service for people and you are performing it extremely well!" — Donna S.
Genealogy Research Consultation
Are you ready to speak to a professional genealogist about your family history project? Whether you are looking for hard to find family records, living relatives, or would like to put together a family tree that your family will cherish for many generations to come, is ready to assist you with all of your genealogy research needs!
Speak to a genealogist today to learn how we can be of help to you in your genealogy quest. We'll answer your questions before you begin your ancestry research project. To learn more about our projects and pricing please click here. If you are ready to begin this exciting research, please provide us with some information as listed in the box below to help us get started on your case. Please send the information above to